
Free PLR Articles - How and Where To Find Them

Learn about plr articles and where you can get them for free. If you run a blog or website, you already know how important it is to post unique content to it on a daily basis if you have any hope of the getting any free traffic from the search engines.Plr ( private label rights) articles are a great way to increase your website content. Plr content like articles, reports and ebooks can be purchased on the internet and can be used as your own content. With plr, you're free to publish it and site yourself as the author.What's the benefit of doing this? If you only use free reprint articles from the big article directories, you'll not only be competing with everyone else who's using them for search engine ranking, but you'll also have to put someone else's resource box at the bottom of the article.These links not only leak pagerank from your website but also traffic. Wouldn't you rather have your own content and keep all the traffic on your website?There's one major problem with plr articles though. They are sometimes sold to too many people. What Nail Brush if 300 other sites have already published the same exact content. How are you going to rank for the same article. You're not.The secret to using plr articles, is to rewrite them enough to make them unique in the eyes of the search engines. I don't recommend fully automatic article spinners. They just make a total mess of the article by replacing words with synonyms that don't even make sense. When you're done, all you're left with is garbage that looks it was written by a first grader that doesn't speak english.This approach is not going to work. Don't even waste your time and money on this technique. It's especially bad form to submit this kind of junk to article directories. They'll delete it immediately and probably remove your author's account.What I do recommend, is starting with a good quality plr article that pertains to your topic and using a semi automated process to rewrite it. The best tool that I've found to do this is mentioned on my website. With this tool, it's possible to make a totally unique version of the article that you can post to your website or blog and not be ashamed of.I only rewrite plr articles for my own websites and blogs. If I'm going to submit an article to an article directory, I may use a plr article just to get ideas to write about. But I'll write the article in my own words and add some more information to it. Don't spin a bunch of articles and submit them to the article directories. Make sure you put some thought into them and write them yourself.After you rewrite your article and post it on your website, the search engines will see that it is unique and not lump your article into their supplemental index with all the other copies of the original plr article.Where can you get plr articles? You have several choices. You can buy plr packs online or you can join a plr membership site for a monthly fee. There is one other option that won't cost you a dime. Some websites offer free plr articles. Why would they do this? Most of the time, just to get your name and email address so they can later send you offers that you might be interested in buying.I guess that's a fair trade for the free content they're giving you. Some plr websites will give you totally free plr content and not even ask for your email address. These sites make money by placing affiliate and google adsense ads on their site.Remember, no matter where you get your plr content, always change it to make it unique. Don't just slap it up because it's quicker. This will get you nowhere and just be a waste of your time. Make your content unique and the watch repair search engines, as well as your visitors will be happy.

