
Plush Black Bear

While black bears fare so much better when they stay away from urban areas, a plush black bear couldn't make it out in the wild without its human owner. Oh sure, a plush black bear wouldn't be in any danger of being eaten or attacked because let's face it: it's not real. But, if you were a soft toy, would you want to be out in the big bad world all by yourself?According to a study conducted SYMA S026G by the WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society), black bears that make their homes around urban areas weigh more, are much younger when they get pregnant, and will likely succumb to death quite violently. Over a ten year period, in urban areas around Lake Tahoe, Nevada, wholesale uv gel 12 bears were tracked. They were then compared to ten other bears that made their home in wild areas. The bears living close to urban areas weighed as much as 30 percent more than bears living in wild regions because they relied on food found in the garbage. With more weight on their bodies, it's believed to be the reason these bears are having cubs at a much earlier age – between 4 and 5 years old compared to 7 and 8 years. Around Lake Tahoe, there were even some bears that had cubs when they were as young as 2 and 3.The deaths of urban bears also happen much earlier in their lives mostly because they have run-ins with vehicles. By the age of 10, the 12 bears that were being tracked, had all died, while 6 of the bears living in wild areas remained alive and well. Bear cubs also succumbed to death because of collisions with vehicles. WCS researcher and lead author of the study, Jon Beckmann, put it this way, “Urban areas are becoming the ultimate bear traps. Because of an abundant food source – namely garbage – bears are being drawn in from backcountry areas into urbanized landscapes where they best chinese smartphone meet their demise."Unfortunately, some urban areas are like “sinks” for the black bear populations whereby they are increasingly drawn into urban settings looking for food. Bear-proof garbage containers are an essential part of reducing this trend in addition to improved education efforts on the part of wildlife officials when it comes to reducing “human-bear conflicts.”Since a plush black bear has no need for food, there's never any worry it will wander off in search of it. All a plush black bear requires is a warm place to live, lots of love and attention, and a good cuddle every now and again.Copyright Shelley Vassall, 2010. Contact the author to obtain permission for republication.